When people buy products online with credit cards, every piece of information which is provided to any payment handler online runs the risk of being stolen. Whilst banks will almost always refund stolen amounts, this is not so certain and using crypto currencies instead is a far simpler and quicker way to pay for items.
You have seen how easy it is. Simply set up a wallet decide your level of risk in terms of verification and trust on the blockchain, transfer some funds, and use cryptocurrency to exchange value.
We recommend using an open source password management tool that has had a relatively long term existence. Some may want to leave their seed phrases in pieces across multiple sites if they can't remember them. Whatever you choose - simply scan a QR code and then send a payment.
We are integrating cryptocurrency payment handling within our web data platform. We can help individuals and organisations integrate cryptocurrency payment handling into their websites and give some pointers to help them remain relatively secure.
Remember cryptocurrency payments maybe taxable depending on your jurisdiction. Always check the rules relating to accepting payments online and paying tax.
Small quantities of assets outside of the financial system makes sense especially in light of ongoing systemic risk being presented within the banking industry. Nobody can predict exactly where it will go but the idea of being able to simply access a wallet without third party interference anywhere in the world definitely has strong selling points.
Cryptocurrency is best used for digital content services that have lest less reliance upon physical assets. For example music or e-books, well they do have a cost to produce there isn't the climate to pay for more materials and production. If you are selling an online course or eBook for example, the volatility in the price of cryptocurrency may not be as big a concern And the benefits may be outweighed because you can have secure payment channels without chargebacks.
If a website got hacked in our case the worst thing that could happen is people could substitute the images of the QR codes so that people scanning them may send the payment to an alternative wallet address. The amount of money being transferred on an individual transaction level is so small, the risk to an individual is almost zero. The risk to a website will be higher if volumes are higher, but the risks remain relatively low.