Platforms wanting to showcase their services to market their capabilities can market their services on our platform.
Developers in the cryptocurrency space can embed their content, data, and applications within our platform.
Companies and organisations providing analytics within the cryptocurrency and wider macro-economic space can publish their data to be available on our platform.
Professional and Retail investors can use our analytics to help them improve their decision making within the cryptocurrency space.
YouTubers and other online video streaming platforms such as Rumble and Vimeo have influencers producing video content. We can add your presence on here, and you can contact us to discuss featuring Crypto Statto on your content.
Our platform finds contextual related information. We provide a list of subject terms that you can search. These are related to where the data is published to and categorised.
We will review your application. We will be in touch to refine your proposal. At this point, there is no commitment and our aim is to move towards the hosting phase. We will categorise the type of content you are providing and move towards the onboarding phase.
We will agree the type of content you are providing and allocate a fee based upon our pricing tier. At this point we will expect a verification fee to move to the next phase.
We will expect to verify your content or application. Here are some pointers;
We will agree the type of content you are providing and allocate a fee based upon our pricing tier. At this point we will expect a verification fee to move to the next phase.
We will review all apps on an ongoing basis for quality and performance reasons. Some solutions may fail to meet standards and may occasionally be put in review status. Solutions under review status will not be active until they are rectified.
We are still in the process of determining the correct pricing to charge. Do contact us to find out more. We are looking for pioneers to collaborative with.
Developers wishing to host their apps on our platform can use React to do this.
Trusted providers can publish data to our platform.