Crypto Statto provides no guarantee on the timeliness or accuracy of any data produced or existing on Crypto Statto. Any fees paid are for access to the last published datasets on Crypto Statto. In some circumstances we may suspend or halt certain datasets on our platform. You use data from Crypto Statto entirely at your own risk. We strongly recommend using more than one cryptocurrency data platform to help improve the accuracy of any decisions you make for trading. In typical platform operational mode, we update datasets regularly, you should perform your own checks that these datasets satisfy your needs
System downtime - there will be some outages when we need to upgrade our platform. Please be patient. This is inline with all other cryptocurrency platforms.
We accept no liability for damages to hardware and software through the use of our website.
Refunds for online digital content. Payments are handled in cryptocurrency on our platform. Only in the clearest of cases where our service has fallen below expected quality of service a refund minus network fees be issued in the currency originally paid in. This is to avoid slippage. The refund will include the network fee from our side and a 10% admin fee. Accounts that make repeated requests for refunds will be suspended to avoid vexatious refund requests - i.e. the customer is aware of the goods they are getting but continue to keep buying them to request a refund
We reserve the right to limit access to our platform to maintain its stability and integrity
We do not guarantee to capture all data requests (API or user access to online content) per user. It will be assumed that users that pay for access to information are consuming that information
Fair use policy -
Users should not run multiple scraping engines or API engines against our platform when the data periodicity clearly does not reflect it. For example, we currently try to update every 15 minutes on some contexts, users hitting the platform every 10 seconds is clearly not demonstrating fair use
If dates exist as an option you must use them to restrict the data you return back. We do randomly monitor this
We reserve the right to cancel subscriptions that are abusing our fair use policy without refund
Finally, please talk to us if you need extra capacity, we are friendly people at Crypto Statto
We do not share information with third parties other than to record numbers and volumes of activity on our platform - to that end, data is pseudonymised
Any donations made to Crypto Statto are voluntary and not in exchange for an expectation of goods or services.
We are not responsible for 3rd party data that may be in errata
If your residence is within a country or one that has an agreement with regards to GDPR and wish to be forgotten, then please email forgetme at cryptostatto dot com (remembering the email address has to be a genuine email address). Please note, we have a duty to record payments to the best of our ability and these will be linked to the email addresses you set up on our platform. For this reason we may not be able to forget you but will do our best.
Users that have registered for a newsletter but have not joined our site or made payments can expect us to honour requests to be forgotten if a valid email is sent to us from the email address
Nothing in this disclaimer is intended to contradict UK Law
Cookies - the only cookie we collect is an authentication cookie as part of your sign-in. We do use plugins from third parties for displaying cryptocurrency related data. We will do our best to monitor this, but please visit their site to keep us updated. We cannot prevent third party cookies from third party plugins (charts and displays) at this moment. We will offer the option to turn off all plugins in due course
We provide links to external providers of digital content, products, and services. We accept no responsibility for any losses incurred by you when engaging with these third parties. You should always undertake your own risk assessment
Any attempts to hack our website or linked services will be taken seriously and reported to authorities where appropriate. Whilst we are heavily invested in the concepts of liberty, trust, censorship resistance, there are basic levels of decency we expect to offer our audience and the audience should afford to us
Website Storage - it is your responsibility to ensure that any website storage and cache is cleared once you have finished using the advanced management capabilities on the platform.
We are not responsible for retaining all activity data on our platform for our users, we may purge data we deem to be stale. We may pseudonymise data to help with data storage
Registration on our platform
Currently, we allow users to register with email accounts. We strongly recommend using email accounts not tied to personally identifiable information if required. This is purely for anonymity
We restrict access to certain website content unless there is sufficient credit available
We may offer users free credits on membership activation
When you register on our platform, you consent to receiving emails as part of our authentication process. We recommend setting up a mailbox subfolder to not clutter your main inbox
Payment Processing, Member Balances, and Premium Content Consumption
We only accept payments in cryptocurrency
Within our admin portal, members can make a payment for services. Once enough funds have been added to access the minimum tier, users can access Premium Content either through our API using account tokens and/or web front-end
Each access event of premium content incurs a charge against the member’s balance
Users with two or more email registered addresses can attach balances to either address
We are not liable for any missing funds where a user has failed to accurately enter their email address, but always contact us if you find there are issues with the process, and we will do our best to resolve this
Credits only remain for a designated number of days. If you use the website, these days get rolled over. For specific time periods, please check
Unfair charges - please contact us if you feel you have excessive charges for accessing reports and the API. Remember, our pricing is designed to permit reasonable use when accessing reports. Excessive use will use credits faster. We are looking to consolidate fees to reduce credit depletion, but this is not in-force currently
Promotions, Credit Rollovers, and Free offers
We reserve the right to not uphold offers to certain users
Any rollover of credits does not constitute a contractual obligation between the customer and Crypto Statto
Rollover of Credits and adding of credits are a goodwill gesture to users, there is not ongoing commitment by Crypto Statto to honour these
The free credits offered via our faucet service can be removed as per existing terms within our Disclaimer if we identify system abuse
Communication between Crypto Statto and our users
We may contact you from time to time if you have registered for a newsletter
We may occasionally notify registered members about platform downtime, upgrades, or other critical operational events
We will communicate with you if you have filled out a contact form, support request, or emailed us or via some other contact method
Registered users that are using our platform and signing into our website will receive emails in relation to website usage
Developer monetisation and collaboration with external entities
Nothing in this constitutes a partnership
We reserve the right to remove certain applications if we deem them unfit or if they cause loss to our customers - notwithstanding - high credit consumption
Any decisions on tracking of credits and redemption of payments on our platform of affiliates is solely by Crypto Statto
We may accept supporting evidence by parties to reach a fair outcome
Jurisdiction is based upon England and Wales Law
Nothing in this disclaimer/terms is intended to circumvent this jurisdiction