In the space of only a few weeks please added major platform enhancements. All part of a major commitment to improving the platform to deliver useful actionable information on the cryptocurrency market to our users.
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Following our December release, we had a few more features needing implementing and testing.
Importantly, we built two new main applications;
This has two main benefits;
Multiple improvements to the RTD are planned to help ensure users have better information and clarity to the displays they are accessing.
More information on the site around the platform. To give our users more information on the health of the site we have at least one plugin planned.
Improvements to the Member Management Portal
We are planning to review the portal and add more information for users to understand their activity on the platform.
Extra operations and screens for developers to add their own applications to our platform and check status
Most of the work occurring now will focus on data and reports being delivered to and around the platform.
Investigation of report data quality. We have work scheduled to ensure our data load and processing is valid. This will be both and audit of our datamart and testing of code to ensure information flows correctly.
Point in time ordinal analysis for cause and effect (PTOACE)
Most potential moves in price action seems to be based upon convergence and divergence of different measurements, based upon our analysis.
We are to be setting up a separate API for producing reports for technical users to select bunches of data for different measures for analysis. We are planning some reports within the website also.
The bigger amount of work on the platform has been around the website and API, but a large body of work has been undertaken to improve the quality of this. Whilst fairly technical, we like to tell our customers what we are up to.
This runs locally on our servers to accept information on loading of report artifacts. It allows us to view the status of our data loaders and check how recent data has been processed for our simple reports and asset loading. We already have a report that shows reports that are published on the live website, but this allows us to identify issues sooner.
We are in the process of adding a new end point on our live website, along with a new report to show our users the same information that we see (albeit slightly delayed).
Now we have a fairly stable website, we have been road testing our ETL with more scrutiny. A number of fixes and improvements have been made to the software and configuration to improve the ETL.
Sometimes, information can get stuck and delayed. We have added small additional functionality to reset certain information to remove these bottlenecks. Reports should start to flow more freely.
Sometimes applications stop working, so we have added rerunnability to some of our ETL. This should maintain uptime and prevent many issues with our platform.
We are really keen to add apps to our platform. If you are looking to showcase your skills with an app on or outside our platform, reach out here.
We are keen to spread the word on our platform. We may also be in a position to build reports linked to your strategies. Reach out to us here
Written with StackEdit.